When the Screaming Starts is a gripping and intense horror thriller that follows the story of Norman Graysmith, a documentary filmmaker, who sees an opportunity to make his career-changing film when he is invited into the home of Aidan Mendle, an aspiring serial killer. Norman becomes convinced that Aidan is the perfect subject for his documentary and commits himself to capturing the chilling and disturbing journey of a man on the brink of madness.
As Aidan's true intentions slowly unfold, Norman finds himself at the center of a nightmarish and dangerous situation. The film explores the psychological unraveling of both characters, delving into Aidan's dark past and his twisted mindset. It delves into themes of obsession, identity, and morality, as Norman becomes entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
With its gripping storyline and intense atmosphere, When the Screaming Starts keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The film features stellar performances from the cast, who bring the complex characters to life and heighten the tension with their nuanced acting.
Directed by a master of suspense and horror, this film offers a visceral and chilling experience that will leave viewers questioning their own sanity. With its unexpected twists and turns, When the Screaming Starts is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and horror films alike.
Also Known As:
When the Screaming StartsRelease Date:
20 Sep 2022Writers:
Conor Boru, Ed HartlandAwards:
1 win & 5 nominations