Title: Turist (2014) – A Gripping Alpine Drama
Turist (2014) is a thought-provoking drama set against the breathtaking backdrop of the French Alps. The film revolves around a well-to-do Swedish family as they embark on a seemingly idyllic vacation, only to encounter a life-altering event – a devastating avalanche.
This soul-stirring movie portrays the aftermath of the avalanche as the family grapples with the harrowing impact it has on their dynamics and relationships. Secrets, doubt, and betrayal emerge as the protagonists question their fundamental roles and responsibilities.
Turist examines the fragility of human nature and dissects the complexities of the family unit, inviting viewers to ponder themes of trust, loyalty, and self-preservation. With superb performances from a talented cast, the film skillfully captures raw emotions and exposes the cracks that widen as each family member confronts their fears and seeks personal redemption.
Director Ruben Östlund's meticulous attention to detail and use of stunning cinematography effortlessly transport the audience into the heart of the breathtaking Alpine setting. The hauntingly beautiful landscape acts as a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil within the family, highlighting the overwhelming power of nature and the insignificance of human existence.
Turist captivates audiences with its intricate exploration of human vulnerability and the consequences of our actions. Prepare to immerse yourself in a compelling narrative that will leave you questioning the true meaning of family and the depths of self-discovery.
Also Known As:
Force MajeureRelease Date:
30 Dec 2014Writers:
Ruben ÖstlundAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award31 wins & 41 nominations total