True Lies (2023) is an action-packed comedy film that follows the life of a suburban housewife named Helen Tasker. She leads an ordinary and unfulfilled life, unaware of her husband Harry's thrilling double life as a highly skilled international spy. Helen's world is turned upside down when she stumbles upon the truth about Harry's secret identity as a top-secret agent.
As the story unravels, Helen finds herself thrust into the dangerous and thrilling world of espionage. She must navigate a web of deception, adventure, and intrigue, all while trying to rediscover her own identity. With the help of a wise-cracking spy partner named Gib, Helen goes on a mission to prove to herself and her husband that she is capable of much more than she ever believed.
True Lies combines heart-pounding action sequences with uproarious comedy, creating a captivating blend of genres. Directed by a master of action films, this highly anticipated release combines top-tier performances with jaw-dropping stunts and visual effects.
This film is a captivating rollercoaster ride that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. True Lies (2023) is a must-watch for fans of action, comedy, and suspenseful thrillers. Get ready for a wild and unpredictable adventure in this explosive and entertaining spy film. Available for streaming exclusively on our platform.
Also Known As:
True LiesRelease Date:
01 Mar 2023