In Troll: The Tale of a Tail (2018), viewers are taken on a thrilling adventure through the magical troll kingdom of Ervod. The story follows Trym, the prince of the trolls, who is faced with a desperate mission to save his father, King Grom. Trapped in a stone form and stripped of his tail by an evil force in the forest, King Grom's life hangs in the balance.
With only three days to complete his task, Trym embarks on a perilous journey accompanied by a group of loyal companions. Together, they navigate treacherous terrains and face numerous challenges as they strive to restore King Grom's humanity and bring justice back to the kingdom.
The film showcases the fantastical world of trolls, filled with magical creatures and enchanting landscapes. As Trym and his friends traverse Ervod, they encounter both allies and adversaries, testing their bravery and resolve. Along the way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice.
Troll: The Tale of a Tail offers an enthralling narrative that will captivate audiences of all ages. Packed with adventure, suspense, and heartwarming moments, this film invites viewers into a world where courage and determination prevail. Join Trym on his heroic quest as he battles the forces of darkness and fights for his father's life and the fate of the troll kingdom.