In Tintin i Hajsjön (1972), the beloved adventurer, Tintin, finds himself on a new mission. He is assigned to protect a forgetful professor who resides in a Balkan country. However, their peaceful existence is soon disrupted when a notorious local criminal sets a trap for Tintin. Desperate to lure him away, the criminal kidnaps two innocent children. Unfazed by the danger, Tintin is determined to rescue the children and bring the criminal to justice.
To Tintin's surprise, he discovers that the absent-minded professor has invented a groundbreaking machine with the power to duplicate absolutely anything. Realizing the incredible potential and the risks associated with this invention falling into the wrong hands, Tintin and his loyal dog, Snowy, devise a plan to both save the kidnapped children and protect the professor's invention.
As Tintin embarks on this thrilling adventure, viewers are taken on a roller-coaster ride, filled with suspense, action, and wit. Along the way, Tintin encounters an array of colorful characters, each with their own motives and secrets. With his resourcefulness, bravery, and indomitable spirit, Tintin must overcome numerous obstacles to achieve his objectives. Will he succeed in rescuing the children and safeguarding the professor's invention? The answers lie within the captivating world of Tintin i Hajsjön.
Also Known As:
Tintin et le lac aux requinsRelease Date:
17 Mar 1973Writers:
Hergé, Michel Régnier, Jos Marissen