The Three Detectives is a thrilling and mysterious series that follows the adventures of three clever friends, Kim, Marie, and Franzi. Set in their everyday lives as teenagers, they find themselves embarking on exciting detective cases that range from fraud and theft to extortion and cyberbullying. Their cases also tackle important issues like social justice, making this series not only entertaining but also thought-provoking.
As the three junior detectives delve deeper into their investigations, they uncover a larger mystery that connects all their cases. This overarching mystery provides an intriguing challenge for the trio, and they must work together to unravel the secrets and bring the culprits to justice.
The Three Detectives is a perfect blend of suspense, drama, and adolescent-friendly storytelling. Each episode is filled with suspenseful twists and turns that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Moreover, the series explores relevant themes that resonate with young viewers, tackling social issues that are prevalent in today's society.
Join Kim, Marie, and Franzi on their thrilling journey as they use their intelligence, intuition, and teamwork to crack the toughest cases and uncover the truth. With its engaging storytelling and compelling characters, The Three Detectives is a must-watch series for both mystery enthusiasts and fans of teenage dramas.
Also Known As:
Die drei !!!Release Date:
06 Sep 2023