In the supernatural thriller The Prophecy: Forsaken (2005), young Allison finds herself relentlessly pursued by malevolent angels serving Satan. Desperately clutching onto the ancient Lexicon, a sacred text that reveals the identity of the Antichrist, Allison becomes a target for both celestial forces and earthly foes who seek to control its power.
As the danger escalates, Allison unexpectedly finds an unlikely ally in a hitman named Tony. Initially driven by self-interest, Tony has a change of heart and decides to assist Allison in her quest to evade her pursuers. Together, they embark on a dangerous journey to protect the Lexicon and prevent the rise of the Antichrist.
Their path is fraught with peril, as they confront both heavenly and human adversaries who will stop at nothing to possess the Lexicon. Allison must rely on her resourcefulness and newfound trust in Tony as they navigate through a web of deceit and supernatural forces.
The Prophecy: Forsaken combines elements of horror, action, and religious mythology to create a thrilling and suspenseful narrative. With its intense chase sequences, complex characters, and supernatural themes, this film offers an adrenaline-fueled ride that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
The Prophecy: ForsakenRelease Date:
06 Sep 2005Writers:
Gregory Widen (characters), John Sullivan (story), Joel Soisson (teleplay)