In the action-packed movie The Prey (2018), we join Xin, a skilled Chinese cop with a unique mission. Having spent years hunting down dangerous criminals worldwide, Xin is faced with a formidable challenge when he finds himself trapped in a sprawling jungle prison. In this remote and treacherous environment, Xin's only chance for survival and freedom is to become the hunted.
Driven by the need to save his own life, Xin must utilize all his skills and instincts to outsmart and overpower his relentless pursuers. With danger lurking around every corner, he must rely on his wits, physical prowess, and training to navigate through this deadly game.
As Xin battles for his survival, he discovers he is not alone in the prison. Forming alliances with fellow prisoners who share a common goal of escape, Xin faces not only bloodthirsty predators but also treacherous fellow inmates seeking personal gain.
The Prey mixes heart-pounding action with suspenseful twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. This high-stakes thrill ride explores themes of courage, perseverance, and the indomitable human spirit. Will Xin emerge triumphant and succeed in his audacious bid for freedom or become another victim of the jungle prison? Tune in to find out.