In the movie The One You Feed (2020), a mysterious Stranger finds himself injured and seeks refuge at a secluded home. There, he is taken care of by a peculiar Man and Woman who are far from ordinary. As time passes, the Stranger becomes aware that this house exists in a realm untouched by time.
The Stranger tries to unlock the secrets of the house and its enigmatic residents, uncovering a dark and ancient curse that has plagued them for centuries. As he delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the house, he realizes that there is a fragile balance between light and darkness, good and evil.
Driven by his curiosity and desire to free the Man and Woman from their dreadful fate, the Stranger embarks on a journey filled with supernatural encounters and life-altering revelations. Along the way, he must confront his own demons and make difficult choices to break the cycle of darkness.
The One You Feed is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that explores the blurred lines between reality and the supernatural. With its stunning cinematography and compelling storytelling, this film takes viewers on a haunting and suspenseful journey. Will the Stranger be able to bring light to the darkness that engulfs the house, or will he become consumed by it? Find out in this enthralling and thought-provoking movie.