In the movie The Harvesting (2015), a troubled family seeks solace from their marital issues by embarking on a summer getaway in Amish Country. Little do they know, this seemingly peaceful location holds a malevolent presence that tightly grips them. As they settle into their new surroundings, they soon realize that their arrival in Amish Country was not a mere coincidence, and they must unravel the mysteries surrounding this demonic force that seems determined to consume them.
Throughout the movie, tension builds as the family confronts their own personal demons while simultaneously trying to battle the increasingly powerful hold of the malevolent presence. As the supernatural occurrences intensify, the family must band together and find a way to break free from the clutches of this evil force.
The Harvesting is a suspenseful and spine-chilling tale that explores themes of family dynamics, personal struggles, and the fight against supernatural forces. Delving into the realms of horror and suspense, this film takes viewers on a dark and thrilling journey as the family fights for their survival and attempts to uncover the secrets that bind them to Amish Country.
Throughout the movie, viewers will be captivated by the chilling atmosphere, unpredictable twists, and haunting performances, making The Harvesting a must-watch for fans of horror and suspense genres.