In The Frozen Ground, an Alaska State Trooper teams up with a courageous young woman who managed to escape the clutches of notorious serial killer Robert Hansen. This gripping thriller explores the terrifying true events that unfolded in the early 1980s.
The film follows Trooper Jack Halcombe as he investigates a series of kidnappings in Anchorage. When Cindy, a survivor of Hansen's brutality, comes forward with crucial information, Halcombe is determined to bring the sadistic killer to justice. As he delves deeper into the case, he realizes the extent of Hansen's horrifying crimes and the urgency to stop him before more lives are destroyed.
The Frozen Ground offers an intense and suspenseful storyline that is sure to captivate viewers. With its gritty atmosphere and chilling performances by a talented cast, including Nicolas Cage as Trooper Halcombe, John Cusack as Robert Hansen, and Vanessa Hudgens as Cindy, the movie delivers a gripping portrayal of the investigation and the harrowing experiences of Hansen's victims.
Drawing inspiration from actual events, The Frozen Ground aims to shed light on the resilience and determination of those who sought justice in the face of unimaginable horror. This compelling and thrilling film is a must-watch for lovers of true crime stories and gripping psychological thrillers.
Also Known As:
The Frozen GroundRelease Date:
01 Feb 2013Writers:
Scott WalkerAwards:
1 nomination