The Cult of the Family is a gripping documentary that delves deep into the chilling story of The Family, a notorious cult led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne in Melbourne during the 1960s and 70s. Hamilton-Byrne, a self-proclaimed reincarnation of Jesus Christ, used her role as a yoga instructor to gain a following and subjected her disciples, who were actually her adopted children, to a twisted form of spirituality.
The film highlights the shocking practices carried out by Hamilton-Byrne, including feeding her followers LSD instead of wine and bread during their ceremonies. As if that wasn't disturbing enough, she also enforced strict control over her disciples' appearances, dressing them in identical clothes and giving them matching haircuts that made them look like eerie characters from a horror movie.
Through interviews with former cult members, as well as archival footage and photographs, The Cult of the Family explores the psychological manipulation and abuse that these individuals endured under Hamilton-Byrne's influence. It uncovers the long-lasting impact that their experiences have had on their lives and the challenges they faced in breaking free from the cult's grip.
This compelling documentary sheds light on a dark chapter in Australian history, serving as a chilling reminder of the power that charismatic leaders can hold over vulnerable individuals. The Cult of the Family is a must-watch for true crime enthusiasts and anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of cults and their impact on individuals and society.