The Boy Downstairs (2017) is a heartfelt romantic comedy that follows the story of Diana, a young woman who finds herself living in the same apartment building as her ex-boyfriend. As fate would have it, Diana's new apartment is conveniently located just one floor below her former partner, which forces her to confront the memories and emotions surrounding their past relationship.
Set in the bustling city of New York, the film masterfully captures the ups and downs of young love, the joy of new beginnings, and the complexities of moving on. Diana, played by actress Zosia Mamet, grapples with the dilemma of whether to rekindle her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Ben, portrayed by actor Matthew Shear.
As Diana navigates life in her new apartment and encounters her ex-boyfriend on a regular basis, she must confront her feelings and reflect on the choices she made in their relationship. In the process, she learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of self-discovery.
The Boy Downstairs offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre, providing viewers with relatable characters and a tender exploration of the complexities of relationships. With its charming story, witty dialogue, and captivating performances, this film is sure to captivate audiences and leave them pondering the intricacies of their own past loves.