The Babysitters (2007) follows the story of high-school junior Shirley Lyner, a 17-year-old who runs a unique babysitting service. This service offers teenage girls as companions for the fathers of young children. The movie is told through a long flashback, where we discover how Shirley transitioned from a regular babysitter to organizing and running this unconventional business.
The story begins with Shirley babysitting for Michael, a father whose children she regularly looks after. After a innocent cup of coffee, they find themselves in a train yard late at night, and their relationship takes a different turn. Shirley's business begins to thrive, but we soon see her ruthless side when some of her clients introduce drugs and a mountain cabin into the equation.
Tensions rise as one of the teenage girls decides to go solo, threatening the stability of Shirley's operation. The movie raises the question of how it will all end and whether it will be a positive outcome for everyone involved.
The Babysitters is a thought-provoking and controversial film that explores themes of power dynamics, exploitation, and personal choice. It offers a unique and often uncomfortable perspective on the concept of babysitting, blurring the lines between professional childcare services and the exploitation of young girls. With its gripping plot and intense character development, The Babysitters challenges societal norms and leaves viewers questioning the consequences of their actions.