Swearnet: The Movie (2014) follows the hilarious misadventures of Mike Smith, Robb Wells, and John Paul Tremblay, known for their roles in the hit show Trailer Park Boys. Fed up with being consistently censored, the trio decides to take matters into their own hands by launching their own uncensored network on the internet.
With their sharp wit and unfiltered language, the three friends embark on a journey to create the ultimate network, Swearnet. As they face numerous obstacles and setbacks, including financial troubles and conflicts with network executives, hilarity ensues.
The movie offers a behind-the-scenes look into the lives of the Trailer Park Boys stars, exposing the challenges they face in their quest for creative freedom. It explores their audacious attempts to push the boundaries of comedy and provide uncensored entertainment to their dedicated fanbase.
Swearnet: The Movie is a raunchy and irreverent comedy that showcases the unique brand of humor synonymous with Mike Smith, Robb Wells, and John Paul Tremblay. It delves into the highs and lows of their venture, featuring outrageous stunts, outrageous behavior, and outrageous laughs.
Fans of the Trailer Park Boys will be delighted to see their favorite stars in a new light, while newcomers to their comedy will be instantly drawn in by the trio's infectious charm and hilarious antics. Swearnet: The Movie promises non-stop laughter and an uncensored experience like no other.
Also Known As:
Swearnet: The MovieRelease Date:
12 Sep 2014Writers:
Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay, Robb WellsAwards:
1 win