Sonyeogoedam (2014) follows the story of In-su, a high school student who has the ability to see ghosts. Battling with constant encounters of supernatural entities and being continuously bullied by his classmates because of this gift, In-su decides to return to his hometown and reside with his uncle in the hopes of finding solace and closure. However, his quest for peace is quickly disrupted when he encounters the first ghost in his hometown, a hauntingly beautiful girl.
As In-su tries to navigate through the complexities of his new surroundings, he finds himself facing not only ghosts but also the relentless torment from school bullies. Strangely, these bullies start falling victim to a vengeful ghost wearing a horrifyingly bloody mask, triggering suspicions in In-su's mind. He begins to question whether his newfound friend, the ghostly girl, is somehow connected to these retaliatory attacks.
Sonyeogoedam (2014) immerses viewers in a chilling and suspenseful tale, exploring themes of friendship, vengeance, and the unyielding presence of the supernatural. Will In-su be able to uncover the truth behind the attacks and bring justice to both the innocent and the vengeful spirits that occupy his world? Find out as you embark on this thrilling journey through the enigmatic and ghostly realms of Sonyeogoedam.