Details is a thrilling horror film that takes audiences on a terrifying journey into the depths of classic horror with unexpected and captivating plot twists. This movie skillfully combines the talents of renowned horror actors like Jewel Shepard and R.A. Mihailoff, with new and promising faces in the industry such as Ben Kaplan, Morgan Carter, and Rebecca Crowley.
The story revolves around the dangers of modern technology, which thrusts the characters into a chilling and desolate backwoods far away from the comforts and security of everyday life. In this remote and isolated location, they encounter a family unlike any other, disturbing and captivating audiences simultaneously. presents a fresh and unique take on the horror genre, incorporating elements of psychological terror, suspense, and unexpected surprises. The film seamlessly blends classic horror conventions with innovative twists, creating a suspenseful and gripping viewing experience.
With its talented cast and a skillful mix of horror legends and emerging stars, will surely appeal to horror enthusiasts craving an adrenaline-fueled journey through the darkest depths of terror. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you dive into this captivating and chilling tale of survival against a family like no other.