Single White Female 2: The Psycho (2005) is a thrilling psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman who forms a toxic and obsessive bond with her new roommate. This gripping tale takes a dark turn as the protagonist, Holly Parker, begins plotting the murder of those she believes have wronged her friend.
Set in New York City, the film delves into the twisted relationship between Holly and her roommate, Jan Lambert. Holly's unhealthy fixation with Jan leads to a series of chilling events as she becomes obsessed with retribution for perceived injustices. As the tension escalates, Holly's plans to take revenge on those she holds responsible for hurting Jan start to unravel in a horrifying string of escalating violence.
With suspenseful twists and turns, Single White Female 2: The Psycho keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film explores themes of manipulation, betrayal, and the dangers of obsession, unraveling the darkness that lies within human relationships.
Featuring compelling performances and a gripping storyline, Single White Female 2: The Psycho is a must-watch for fans of chilling psychological thrillers. With its intense atmosphere and unpredictable plot, this film will keep audiences captivated until its shocking conclusion.
Also Known As:
Single White Female 2: The PsychoRelease Date:
29 Nov 2005Writers:
Glenn Hobart, Andy Hurst, Ross Helford