Shooting the Warwicks is a darkly comedic satire that follows the story of Mickey Wagner, a reality TV producer with an amoral plan to revitalize the genre. Mickey's groundbreaking idea involves choosing an average family and secretly placing them under constant surveillance. However, Mickey quickly discovers that the family he picked is rather dull and lacks the necessary excitement for a successful reality show.
In a desperate effort to save the sinking program, Mickey decides to intervene and inject conflict into the family's dynamics, all in the name of creating captivating drama. As the show improves and ratings rise, the family's relationships begin to deteriorate, with the intrusion of the cameras disrupting their lives in unexpected ways.
Despite the mounting chaos, Mickey convinces himself that everything will eventually be alright once the episodes start airing, believing that fame and recognition will heal any wounds caused by the show. However, as tensions continue to escalate and dark secrets are revealed, it becomes clear that the price of pseudo-celebrity comes at a great cost to the unsuspecting family.
Shooting the Warwicks explores the moral boundaries of reality TV and the consequences of exploiting people's lives for entertainment. This thought-provoking film serves as a cautionary tale about the lengths individuals will go to for fame and the potentially destructive nature of reality television.