In the horror-comedy film Sharks of the Corn (2021), Druid Hills, Kentucky, a town famous for its corn production, becomes the backdrop for a series of bizarre events. As victims mysteriously start appearing in the cornfields, disturbing rumors circulate amongst the townspeople. Witnesses claim to have seen enormous Great White sharks swimming in the tall corn stalks, adding a surreal twist to the already peculiar happenings.
Directed by Tim Ritter, Sharks of the Corn combines elements of horror and humor to create an entertaining and unique cinematic experience. While keeping the plot details under wraps to avoid spoilers, the film promises an unconventional and thrilling adventure set against the tranquil backdrop of a seemingly harmless cornfield. With its blend of comedy and horror, Sharks of the Corn aims to provide viewers with an enjoyable and unexpected ride.
Perfect for fans of offbeat horror and dark comedy, this film offers a fresh take on the genre. Prepare to be glued to the screen as Druid Hills becomes a hotbed of mystery and danger. Watch as the townspeople confront the inexplicable horrors lurking within their seemingly innocent cornfields. With its clever twists and turns, Sharks of the Corn guarantees an exciting and unpredictable viewing experience for lovers of both horror and comedy.