Title: See No Evil (2006) - A Terrifying Encounter in the Blackwell Hotel
In the horror film See No Evil, a group of troubled individuals is assigned the daunting task of cleaning the eerie Blackwell Hotel. Unbeknownst to them, the dilapidated building harbors a reclusive and deranged psychopath named Jacob Goodnight. As the team begins their work, they soon realize that they are not alone in the hotel.
When one of their members is captured by Jacob, the remaining survivors find themselves trapped in a nightmare they couldn't have imagined. With no way to call for help and facing a merciless killer, they must use their wits and resourcefulness to stay alive.
Led by the strong-willed detective Frank Williams, who has been searching for Jacob Goodnight for years, the group must confront their own personal demons while navigating the dark corridors of the hotel. As the tension rises, the desperate survivors must rely on each other to outsmart the sadistic killer and find a way to escape before they become the next victims.
See No Evil is a bone-chilling horror film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its atmospheric setting, terrifying antagonist, and a cast of characters fighting for survival, it delivers an adrenaline-pumping and heart-pounding experience. Prepare yourself for a relentless battle for survival in an abandoned hotel filled with unimaginable horrors.
Also Known As:
See No EvilRelease Date:
19 May 2006Writers:
Dan MadiganAwards:
3 nominations