Seaspiracy (2021) is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the devastating impact of human activities on marine life. The film follows a passionate filmmaker who embarks on a journey to expose the harm inflicted by humans on species inhabiting our oceans. What unfolds is a disturbing revelation of global corruption that goes hand in hand with the fishing industry.
This eye-opening documentary takes viewers on a captivating exploration of the dark underbelly of the fishing industry, shedding light on overfishing, habitat destruction, and the alarming depletion of marine species. Through interviews with experts and activists, the filmmaker uncovers shocking truths about the lack of transparency, sustainability, and ethical practices within the fishing sector.
Seaspiracy confronts viewers with the uncomfortable truth that our oceans are on the brink of collapse due to human actions. It tackles hard-hitting topics, including the exploitation of marine wildlife and the dire consequences of our insatiable appetite for seafood. By examining the complex web of corruption surrounding the fishing industry, the documentary urges us to reevaluate our own role in perpetuating this cycle of ecological devastation.
With its powerful message and stunning visuals, Seaspiracy serves as a wake-up call, encouraging viewers to take action and make informed choices that can help preserve and protect our oceans for future generations.
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SeaspiracyRelease Date:
24 Mar 2021