Roads, Trees and Honey Bees (2018) is a heartwarming film that tells the story of Steve Anderson, a devoted husband and father from Wisconsin, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he finds out that his father has dementia and needs his care. In order to attend to his father, Steve embarks on a cross-country journey, accompanied by an aspiring musician named Connor Martin and his sister Sarah.
As they travel together, the three unlikely friends discover that life's unexpected twists and turns can lead them to a better and more fulfilling existence. Along the road, they encounter various challenges and adventures that test their resilience and faith in one another. However, through their shared experiences, they learn the power of friendship and the importance of seizing every opportunity that comes their way.
Roads, Trees and Honey Bees is a poignant and relatable film that explores themes of family, love, and personal growth. The film's beautiful cinematography captures the stunning landscapes of America, showcasing the beauty of the journey itself. With its heartfelt storytelling and charming performances, this movie is a must-watch for those seeking a heartfelt and heartwarming story that reminds us to embrace life's unexpected turns and find joy in the journey.
Also Known As:
Roads, Trees and Honey BeesWriters:
Stephanie McBain