In Pretty Boy (2021), prepare yourself for a heart-pounding horror experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. A mysterious murderer known as Pretty Boy, wearing a haunting mask, abducts a blind woman from her serene residence nestled in the Hollywood hills. However, this is just the beginning of the blood-soaked tale of terror that unfolds on Valentine's Day.
As the night progresses, Pretty Boy storms a lively Valentine's Day party, ensuring that it descends into a nightmarish chaos. The bloodshed continues, leaving partygoers horrified and terrified for their lives.
This pulse-pounding thriller features a fascinating blend of suspense, tension, and unsettling imagery that will captivate you from start to finish. The captivating story revolves around the blind woman's struggle to survive and the party attendees' desperate attempts to outwit and escape the clutches of Pretty Boy.
Pretty Boy combines elements of traditional slasher films with a modern twist, offering a unique and thrilling cinematic experience. With its brilliant execution, the film keeps the audience guessing and engrossed, unable to predict the twists and turns that await them.
Prepare yourself for an unforgettable and chilling ride as Pretty Boy takes you on a journey into the darkest corners of your fears. Will anyone make it out alive or will Pretty Boy leave an indelible mark on the Hollywood hills forever? Stream Pretty Boy now to find out.
Also Known As:
Pretty BoyRelease Date:
13 Aug 2021Writers:
Joe KnetterAwards:
6 wins