Pollen (2023) is a suspenseful and chilling horror film that follows the harrowing journey of a young woman as her dream job transforms into a living nightmare. This thrilling tale explores the protagonist's struggle to maintain her career while enduring terrifying torment from a sinister tree monster.
Our protagonist, who remains unnamed, begins her job with high hopes and excitement. However, everything takes a dark turn when a senior employee abuses her, setting off a chain of horrifying events. The enigmatic tree monster becomes a terrifying presence in her life, haunting her not just at work but also in her home and even her nightmares.
As the story progresses, our protagonist finds herself trapped in a nightmarish cycle, desperately trying to escape from the clutches of the tree monster. With her career hanging in the balance and her mental well-being deteriorating, she must find the strength to confront her tormentor and unravel the mystery behind this vengeful creature.
Filled with suspense, Pollen keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With its spine-chilling storyline and intricate plot, this captivating horror film offers a unique exploration of the horrors faced by our protagonist as she fights to reclaim her life. Explore the dark depths of this atmospheric thriller as you witness an unforgettable battle against a terrifying force.
Also Known As:
PollenRelease Date:
06 Jun 2023Writers:
D.W. Medoff