Petain is a gripping historical drama set during World War II, which tells the story of Philippe Petain's rise to power and the consequences of his actions. In the midst of the war, Petain is granted extraordinary authority and becomes the leader of Vichy France. As the conflict comes to an end with the arrival of the Allied forces, Petainism remains unchallenged.
The film delves into the complexities of Petain's character, portraying him as both a revered hero and a deeply flawed individual. Through powerful performances and meticulous attention to detail, the audience witnesses the moral dilemmas faced by Petain as he grapples with the weight of his decisions.
Petain raises important questions about accountability and justice in the aftermath of war. While the film does not explicitly delve into the trial of Petain or the consequences of his actions, it serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the historical events surrounding his leadership.
With its compelling storytelling and exceptional cinematography, Petain offers a nuanced and thought-provoking portrayal of a contentious period in history. This critically acclaimed film is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and those interested in examining the complexities of wartime leadership.
Also Known As:
PétainRelease Date:
05 May 1993Writers:
Marc Ferro, Jean-Pierre Marchand, Alain RiouAwards:
1 nomination