Pennyworth (2019–) is an enthralling television series that delves into the captivating origin story of Alfred Pennyworth, the iconic butler known for his association with Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman. Set in 1960s London, the show follows Alfred, a former special-forces soldier, as he navigates a dangerous and corrupt city while trying to establish his own security company.
As the series unfolds, viewers witness Alfred's journey from being a humble bouncer at a local nightclub to his pivotal role as a protector for Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne. Along the way, he encounters a variety of intriguing and morally ambiguous characters, including the enigmatic Thomas Wayne himself, who is on a mission to uncover a secret society's dangerous plans for the city.
Amidst the turmoil of political unrest and societal upheaval, Alfred forms alliances with his loyal allies, Bazza and Dave Boy, as they face off against treacherous enemies and navigate London's treacherous criminal underworld. With his quick wit, resourcefulness, and impressive combat skills, Alfred proves to be a formidable force in combating the forces of evil that threaten the city he holds dear.
Pennyworth (2019–) unravels the complex and fascinating origins of one of the most beloved characters in the Batman franchise. This thrilling series is a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike, combining action, intrigue, and a richly detailed portrayal of London in the 1960s.
Also Known As:
PennyworthRelease Date:
28 Jul 2019Writers:
Bruno HellerAwards:
4 nominations