Parasites is a thrilling and intense movie that follows the harrowing journey of three college students who find themselves lost in the dangerous streets. As they navigate the seedy environment, they come face-to-face with a notorious gang of homeless derelicts. Unfortunately, their encounter takes a dark turn as the gang captures them and begins killing them off one by one in gruesome ways.
The movie takes viewers on a suspenseful ride as we witness the survivors' struggle for survival. With only one man remaining, he must find a way to escape the clutches of the depraved transients who relentlessly pursue him. Stripped of his clothing and devoid of weapons, he flees on foot, with his captors closing in on him within seconds.
Parasites showcases the dark and gritty side of society, delving into themes of survival, desperation, and the lengths one will go to escape a dire situation. With its relentless pace and suspenseful moments, this movie will keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Note: This summary has been adapted to suit a streaming service page format, providing a concise and intriguing overview of the movie while avoiding spoilers.