Our Godfather is a gripping feature-length documentary that delves into the life of Tommaso Buscetta, an infamous Italian mafia boss who made history by becoming the first high-ranking member of Cosa Nostra to turn against the organization. Renowned for his brave decision, Buscetta played a pivotal role in convicting over 400 Mafiosi, making him a target for the Mob and resulting in the tragic deaths of 11 members of his own family. This documentary offers an unprecedented look into Buscetta's story, featuring exclusive interviews with his family who have finally decided to break their silence after 30 years in hiding.
With the moniker of being the most important, protected and endangered witness in US criminal history, Buscetta's journey from a feared mafia boss to a key witness for the government is explored in depth. Through interviews with his wife, children, and close associates, viewers are given a glimpse into the tumultuous life that Buscetta endured, as well as the impact his decision had on his loved ones.
Directed by Mark Franchetti and Andrew Meier, Our Godfather provides a riveting and informative narrative that sheds light on the inner workings of the Mafia and the immense personal sacrifices made by those who choose to defy it. With its exclusive access to Buscetta's family, this documentary offers a unique perspective on a still-relevant and captivating chapter in criminal history.