One of Us (2017), directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, takes an intimate look into the closed-off world of New York's Hasidic community. This thought-provoking documentary centers around the journey of three individuals who muster the courage to break away from their tightly-knit community, despite facing dire consequences.
The film delves into the lives of Etty, a mother of seven who seeks custody of her children after leaving her abusive marriage; Ari, a teenager grappling with the tension between his desire for a secular education and his family's stringent religious beliefs; and Luzer, an actor who becomes an outcast after leaving his Hasidic roots and pursuing a career in Hollywood.
One of Us sheds light on the immense pressure and threats individuals encounter when attempting to escape an insular community that values conformity above all. It showcases the resilience and determination of those risking everything to forge a new path for themselves.
This riveting documentary raises questions about the clash between personal freedom and religious tradition, shedding light on the struggles faced by individuals who dare to challenge the norms set by their community. One of Us prompts viewers to reflect on the price of self-discovery and the power of resilience.
Also Known As:
One of UsRelease Date:
20 Oct 2017Awards:
2 wins & 5 nominations