Oh, Ramona! is a coming-of-age comedy film that tells the story of Andrew, a teenager who is navigating the challenging transition from adolescence into adulthood. At the center of Andrew's journey is his infatuation with Ramona, an attractive and charismatic girl who becomes the object of his desire. As Andrew embarks on a series of mishaps and unconventional encounters, he learns valuable life lessons about love, relationships, and personal growth.
Throughout the film, Andrew grapples with his own insecurities and experiences humorous and awkward situations while attempting to win Ramona's affections. Along the way, he seeks guidance from his eccentric family members, including his overbearing mother and distant father, who offer both wisdom and comical advice.
Set against a vibrant backdrop of high school life and filled with witty dialogue, Oh, Ramona! captures the rollercoaster of emotions that often accompany the teenage years. Through Andrew's experiences, the film sheds light on universal themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the challenges of navigating the complexities of young love.
With its relatable and heartfelt storyline, Oh, Ramona! offers an entertaining and authentic glimpse into the ups and downs of teenage life and the journey towards adulthood.
Also Known As:
Oh, Ramona!Release Date:
14 Feb 2019Writers:
Andrei Ciobanu, Alex Cotet, Cristina Jacob