In the psychological thriller Motherly (2021), Kate (portrayed by Lora Burke) and her daughter Beth live a seemingly peaceful life in a secluded farmhouse surrounded by dense woods. However, Kate's tranquil existence takes a dark turn when she starts to suspect that something sinister is unfolding around them. As her concerns intensify, Kate must rely on her motherly instincts to protect her daughter and uncover the truth.
Motherly explores the fragile bond between a mother and her child as they face an unknown threat lurking in their midst. In this remote setting, Kate's isolation heightens the tension, and viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as they attempt to unravel the mystery alongside the protagonist.
With stellar performances by Lora Burke and a gripping storyline, Motherly delves into themes of paranoia, survival, and the unshakable love of a mother. The film expertly builds suspense, leaving audiences questioning whom to trust and what lies beneath the seemingly idyllic surface.
Directed by (Director's name), Motherly offers a compelling and atmospheric viewing experience. It serves as a chilling reminder of the lengths a mother will go to protect her child, no matter the cost. Get ready for a nerve-wracking cinematic ride as you join Kate in her fight against the unknown in Motherly.
Also Known As:
MotherlyRelease Date:
01 Sep 2021Writers:
Ian Malone, Craig David Wallace