Morir para contar is a gripping and poignant documentary that pays tribute to Spanish war correspondents who lost their lives while reporting from conflict zones. Through a series of interviews, the film paints a vivid and intimate portrait of these brave individuals, shedding light on the challenges and dangers they faced in their pursuit of truth.
Directed by Hernán Zin, this documentary takes viewers on a journey from the front lines of war to the homes of the families left behind. It explores the motivations that drove these journalists to risk their lives, as well as the toll their work took on their personal lives and mental well-being.
The film provides a platform for the voices of the families, colleagues, and friends of these fallen correspondents, whose memories and stories keep their legacies alive. The emotional impact of their untimely deaths is palpable, serving as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by journalists in conflict zones around the world.
By shedding light on the work of war correspondents and the risks they face, Morir para contar aims to raise awareness about the importance of freedom of the press and the vital role journalists play in keeping the public informed. This deeply moving documentary is a tribute to those who paid the ultimate price for the truth.
Also Known As:
Dying to TellRelease Date:
22 Jun 2018Writers:
Hernán Zin