In Marooned Awakening, a compelling drama set in 2022, a young journalist from a remote island yearns to escape his secluded life. Determined to make his mark, he embarks on one final investigation that will challenge his beliefs and force him to confront the blurred line between truth and illusion.
The story centers around the protagonist's investigation into a mysterious boat accident that occurred recently. As he delves deeper into the incident, he discovers shocking revelations that make him question his own reality. The journalist's journey becomes a personal exploration, as he confronts the harsh realities of life and uncovers hidden truths about the people around him.
Marooned Awakening is a thought-provoking film that explores themes of perception, truth, and personal transformation. The beautiful yet isolated setting of the island adds an additional layer of intrigue to the story. With stunning cinematography and a gripping narrative, this movie captures the audience's attention, keeping them hooked until the very end.
Join the young journalist on his quest for truth and self-discovery in Marooned Awakening. This captivating drama will leave viewers questioning their own perception of reality and pondering the deeper meaning of life. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Marooned AwakeningRelease Date:
21 Feb 2023Writers:
Cameron Ashplant, Musaab MustafaAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination