In Manjummel Boys, a group of close-knit friends embarks on a thrilling adventure to rescue their friend trapped in the treacherous Guna Caves. Set in the backdrop of a challenging mission to bring back someone from the depths of the perilous pit, the film encapsulates the spirit of friendship, bravery, and determination.
As they navigate through the dangerous caves, the group faces numerous obstacles and tests their limits, showcasing their loyalty and commitment to each other. With suspenseful twists and heart-pounding moments, Manjummel Boys keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the friends' journey to save their comrade.
This gripping tale of courage and camaraderie highlights the strength of friendship and the power of teamwork in the face of adversity. Will the Manjummel Boys succeed in their daring rescue mission, or will they succumb to the challenges of the Guna Caves? Find out in this action-packed and thrilling film that will leave audiences rooting for the brave friends till the very end.
Also Known As:
Manjummel BoysRelease Date:
22 Feb 2024Writers: