Life Overtakes Me (2019) is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the devastating impact of trauma on refugee children in Sweden. The film explores a phenomenon known as Resignation Syndrome, in which these children withdraw from the uncertainties of life and fall into a coma-like state.
The documentary highlights the experiences of several refugee families, capturing their struggles and the overwhelming effects of traumatic events on their lives. It reveals heartbreaking scenes of children who have completely disconnected from the world around them, lying still and unresponsive for months or even years.
Through interviews with medical professionals, experts, and family members, Life Overtakes Me offers insight into the psychological and emotional toll that displacement and uncertainty have on these children. It examines the profound despair they face and the ways in which their families grapple with the unimaginable challenges of caring for them.
The film also emphasizes the efforts of Swedish healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to diagnose and treat these children, providing them with a glimmer of hope for recovery. It showcases the protocols and interventions used to try and awaken the children from their comatose state, while acknowledging the ethical dilemmas faced by medical practitioners.
Life Overtakes Me is a poignant and timely documentary that raises awareness about the hidden consequences of trauma on refugee children. It serves as a reminder of the urgent need for compassion, understanding, and support for these vulnerable individuals as they struggle to find their place in an unfamiliar world.