King Knight (2021) is a captivating and hilarious movie that follows Thorn and Willow, the highly respected high priest and priestess of a coven of modern witches. They seemingly have the perfect lives, filled with reverence and abundance. However, when a long-held secret from Thorn's past resurfaces, their lives are turned upside down, leading them on a mind-bending journey like no other.
This trippy comedy focuses on Thorn and Willow as they navigate the challenges brought on by Thorn's secret, and the film takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of laughter and self-discovery. With its unique blend of humor and wit, King Knight explores themes of redemption, identity, and the power of embracing one's true self.
As Thorn and Willow embark on their adventure, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, each with their own quirks and secrets. The film offers an array of hilarious and thought-provoking moments as the characters grapple with their own personal demons.
King Knight delivers a refreshingly different take on the world of witches and magic, filled with unexpected twists and turns that will keep viewers hooked from start to finish. Don't miss this fantastical journey of self-discovery and hilarity that is bound to leave you entertained and wanting more.
Also Known As:
King KnightRelease Date:
17 Feb 2022Writers:
Richard Bates Jr.Awards:
1 nomination