Hitler's Supercars is a captivating documentary that delves into a fascinating chapter of history, exploring the intersection of engineering, Grand Prix car racing, and Nazi propaganda. This gripping narrative revolves around a riveting rivalry that eventually leads to the death of one of Nazi Germany's notable racing drivers.
Amidst the backdrop of World War II, Adolf Hitler sought to promote his ideology and power through the world of motorsport. With an unwavering belief in German engineering superiority, the film examines how Hitler harnessed the thrill and spectacle of Grand Prix racing to boost his regime's image and bolster national pride.
At the heart of the story lies a bitter rivalry between two accomplished drivers: Bernd Rosemeyer and Rudolf Caracciola. As they competed for supremacy on the racing circuit, the stakes intensified, resulting in a tragedy that shook the racing world.
Furthermore, Hitler's Supercars uncovers the astonishing tale of the Auto Union Type C, a technologically groundbreaking vehicle that set a new speed record of 268 mph. This record remained unbroken for a staggering 79 years, showcasing the incredible engineering prowess of the era.
With vivid historical footage, interviews, and expert analysis, this gripping documentary offers a unique perspective on the intersection of motorsport, politics, and propaganda during one of history's darkest periods. Experience a captivating journey through the world of Hitler's Supercars, unearthing long-buried secrets and unveiling the captivating stories behind these legendary machines.
Also Known As:
Hitler's SupercarsRelease Date:
01 Sep 2020Writers:
James Wiseman