In the documentary film Feels Good Man (2020), viewers are taken on a captivating journey following artist Matt Furie, the creator of the popular comic character Pepe the Frog. Furie finds himself thrust into an unexpected battle to reclaim his beloved creation from those who have twisted its meaning in alarming ways.
The film begins by delving into the origins of Pepe, a carefree and lovable character that gained a massive online following. However, Furie's creation is soon co-opted by internet trolls and right-wing extremists, who transform Pepe into a hateful symbol associated with hate speech and racism.
With determination and an unwavering spirit, Furie embarks on a quest to regain control over his creation. Along the way, he navigates the complex world of intellectual property, engaging in legal battles to protect his character's original message.
Feels Good Man is an eye-opening exploration of the power of internet culture and the impact it can have on real-world events. The film provides a deep dive into the dark side of memes, online communities, and the consequences they can have on both individuals and society as a whole.
Amidst the chaos, Furie's mission to reclaim Pepe serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of preserving artistic integrity and combating hate in the digital age. Feels Good Man ultimately demonstrates the resilience of one artist in the face of immense adversity and his determination to restore the true essence of his creation.
Also Known As:
Feels Good ManRelease Date:
28 Aug 2020Writers:
Giorgio Angelini, Matt Furie (based on original artwork by), Arthur Jones, Aaron WickendenAwards:
3 wins & 2 nominations.