Fast & Feel Love (2022) is a heartwarming comedy that follows the journey of a world champion sport stacker named Jake, who finds himself navigating the challenges of adult life after being dumped by his long-time girlfriend. Directed by Amy Johnson, this film is sure to captivate audiences with its relatable and comedic storyline.
Jake, played by John Reynolds, is forced to learn basic adulting skills in order to live independently and take care of himself. From doing laundry to cooking meals, Jake embarks on a hilarious and sometimes chaotic adventure as he fumbles through these new responsibilities.
As Jake adjusts to his newfound independence, he also discovers the importance of self-discovery and personal growth. Through a series of amusing misadventures, he tackles the challenges of managing finances, finding a stable job, and maintaining a social life.
Throughout the film, viewers will be delighted by the witty humor and endearing characters that populate Jake's world. The film also boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Sara Thompson as Jake's quirky neighbor and Michaela Watkins as his well-meaning but overbearing mother.
Fast & Feel Love offers a wholesome and entertaining experience that is sure to leave audiences laughing and feeling uplifted. It's a must-watch for anyone looking for a lighthearted comedy rooted in the relatable struggles of adulthood.
Also Known As:
Fast & Feel LoveRelease Date:
06 Apr 2022Writers:
Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit