Etheria is a thrilling anthology series that brings together the best emerging women genre directors from around the world. With episodes ranging from post-apocalyptic westerns to demented comedies to terrifying horror and gore, it offers a perfect blend of mind-bending and panic-inducing excitement.
Created to introduce amazing directors to devoted genre fans, each episode of Etheria showcases a unique vision of the fantastic. The series aims to break boundaries and provide a platform for underrepresented voices in the genre film industry.
The show promises a variety of thrilling storylines and visually stunning cinematography. With a diverse range of genres and styles, Etheria is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. From intense action sequences to thought-provoking narratives, every episode provides a fresh and captivating experience.
Whether you're a fan of dystopian worlds, dark comedies, or spine-chilling horror, Etheria has something to offer for every genre enthusiast. With its talented lineup of women directors, the series promises to challenge conventional storytelling and deliver innovative and exciting content.
Prepare to be captivated by the incredible talent on display in Etheria as it takes you on a thrilling journey into the world of genre cinema.
Also Known As:
EtheriaRelease Date:
20 Aug 2020