Title: Earth to Echo (2014) - A Sci-Fi Adventure for the Whole Family
Summary: Join a group of adventurous kids in this heartwarming sci-fi film as they uncover the mystery behind a series of perplexing encrypted messages. Earth to Echo (2014) is a thrilling and emotional adventure that follows the journey of young friends Tuck, Munch, and Alex, who find themselves at the center of an extraordinary encounter with an alien creature who desperately requires their assistance.
Set in a suburban neighborhood, the film begins with the friends receiving mysterious signals on their smartphones. Realizing that something extraordinary is occurring, they decide to band together to investigate further and solve the puzzle. In their quest for answers, the trio stumbles upon Echo, a small and adorable extraterrestrial who communicates via electronic devices.
As the kids develop a deep bond with Echo, they quickly realize that their new friend is in danger and that they must help him return to his home planet. Through a series of exhilarating escapades, they embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with excitement, danger, and self-discovery.
Earth to Echo is a heartwarming film that blends thrilling sci-fi elements with the timeless themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of youthful imagination. Perfect for both children and adults alike, this captivating tale is guaranteed to entertain and inspire audiences of all ages. Don't miss out on this exceptional family adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Also Known As:
Earth to EchoRelease Date:
02 Jul 2014Writers:
Henry Gayden, Andrew PanayAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination