Dry Martina is a captivating Argentine-Chilean comedy film that follows the story of Martina, a once-famous singer from Argentina who has lost all interest in love and intimacy. Set in the late 90s, Martina's life takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of her alleged sister and her charming boyfriend. This unexpected encounter prompts Martina to embark on a trip to Chile, where she hopes to reignite her passion and desire.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a journey through Martina's quest to reclaim her lost libido. With a unique blend of humor and drama, the film skillfully portrays Martina's humorous and sometimes bizarre encounters in her pursuit of rediscovering her sexual appetite.
Dry Martina offers a refreshing take on relationships and self-discovery, combining witty dialogue with insightful observations about love and intimacy. The film explores themes of personal growth, identity, and the complexities of desire, keeping the audience engaged and entertained throughout.
Directed by talented filmmaker Che Sandoval, Dry Martina showcases vibrant performances from its cast, particularly Antonella Costa in the leading role of Martina. The film's stylish cinematography and its well-crafted soundtrack add to its overall appeal.
With its engaging storyline, brilliant performances, and thought-provoking themes, Dry Martina is a must-watch comedy that will leave audiences both entertained and reflecting on their own perceptions of love and desire.
Also Known As:
Dry MartinaWriters:
Che Sandoval