In District 13 - Ultimatum (2009), Captain Damien Tomaso is framed by the police, who plant heroin in his kitchen, leading to his arrest. Simultaneously, a group of teenagers captures footage of corrupt agents from the security agency executing policemen and leaving their bodies in the 13th District of Paris to incite a civil war. Chief Walter Gassman, head of the security agency, receives a bribe from the construction company Harriburton, which wants to develop buildings in the impoverished district. Gassman takes advantage of the situation to blackmail the President of France into authorizing the nuclear destruction of five towers in the district.
One of the teenagers with incriminating footage is pursued by the police, but manages to deliver the memory card to Leito, an ally. Meanwhile, Tomaso, trapped in police custody, calls for help. Leito and his friends join forces with five dangerous crime bosses to gather evidence and expose Gassman's manipulation to the president.
District 13 - Ultimatum is a thrilling action film that explores corruption, urban inequality, and the power of unity. It showcases breathtaking parkour sequences and intense fight scenes as the characters navigate a dangerous landscape. With high-stakes and a race against time, this movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while shedding light on the social issues faced by the residents of District 13.
Also Known As:
District 13: UltimatumRelease Date:
18 Feb 2009Writers:
Luc BessonAwards:
1 nomination