In Demon Baby (2014), a young couple named Rose and Theo embark on a camper van holiday in the remote Scottish Highlands. However, their idyllic weekend away quickly takes a sinister turn as they start experiencing ghostly apparitions. These haunting encounters begin to take a toll on Rose's mental state, and her deteriorating condition puts a strain on their relationship.
As the weekend progresses, Theo's patience wears thin as he struggles to cope with the increasingly disturbing events. Little by little, the couple's getaway turns into a terrifying struggle for survival as something from Rose's past comes back to haunt them.
Demon Baby is a tense and atmospheric horror film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With a remote and eerie setting, the movie expertly creates a sense of isolation and unease. The psychological elements further heighten the suspense as Rose's mental state becomes more unstable.
The film explores themes of guilt, trauma, and the complexities of relationships under extreme circumstances. As the couple fights to confront their demons, they must also confront their own inner demons. Demon Baby is a gripping and chilling horror film that will leave audiences questioning what is real and what is a figment of the characters' troubled minds.