Darvinte Parinamam is a 2016 Malayalam film directed by Jijo Antony. The story revolves around Anil Anto and his wife Amala, who are forced to relocate to Kochi from Kottarakkara due to certain circumstances. Anil works in a Cable TV office, while Amala is employed at a press.
Upon their arrival in Kochi, the couple encounters Darwin, who has a dominating personality and believes he has control over the city. Darwin's actions and influence begin to affect the lives of those around him, including Anil and Amala. As the story unfolds, the couple finds themselves entangled in a web of unexpected events, trying to navigate through the challenges presented by Darwin.
The film explores themes of power, authority, and the consequences of one's actions. It highlights the struggles faced by Anil and Amala as they try to cope with their new environment and the influence of Darwin. With a mix of drama, suspense, and action, Darvinte Parinamam keeps viewers engaged from start to finish.
Featuring an ensemble cast including Prithviraj Sukumaran, Chandini Sreedharan, and Chemban Vinod Jose, the film delivers strong performances and compelling storytelling. Directed by Jijo Antony, Darvinte Parinamam offers a thrilling cinematic experience that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.