Cobra is a gripping action film from 1986 that follows the story of Marion Cobretti, a rugged detective played by Sylvester Stallone. The streets are plagued by a dangerous cult known as the New Order, which is responsible for a series of brutal murders. Cobretti becomes tasked with safeguarding the life of Ingrid, the sole survivor and key witness to the cult's sinister activities.
As a street cop known for his unorthodox methods, Cobretti will stop at nothing to protect Ingrid from the relentless pursuit of the New Order. In a race against time, Cobretti battles the cult's fanatical members, who will do anything to eliminate their witness and fulfill their far-reaching plans.
This fast-paced thriller showcases Stallone's iconic persona as an action hero, delivering intense fight scenes, car chases, and explosive action sequences throughout. Fueled by his determination to bring justice to the streets, Cobretti confronts the New Order head-on, unravelling the secrets behind their organization.
Full of suspense and adrenaline, Cobra is a must-watch for fans of action-packed crime dramas. Directed by George P. Cosmatos, the film promises non-stop excitement and a thrilling battle between a renegade cop and a ruthless cult.
Also Known As:
CobraRelease Date:
23 May 1986Writers:
Paula Gosling, Sylvester StalloneAwards:
6 nominations