In Christmas Bounty (2013), a former bounty hunter named Tory turns her life around and becomes an elementary schoolteacher. She is determined to keep her past as a bounty hunter a secret and live a normal life. However, when her family's business is on the verge of collapse, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save it by catching the one bounty that got away.
Trouble arises when Tory's fiancé decides to join her for the holidays. She must now find a way to hide her family's wild business and her ex-boyfriend, who also happens to be a bounty hunter, and who she thought she had left behind.
This action-packed and humorous Christmas film follows Tory as she navigates the challenges of balancing her new life with her old one. Throughout the movie, viewers will be entertained by the hilarious situations Tory finds herself in while trying to keep her double life as a bounty hunter a secret.
Christmas Bounty offers a perfect blend of action, comedy, and holiday cheer. Will Tory be able to save her family's business, keep her secret hidden, and maintain her happily ever after? Find out in this holiday adventure filled with surprises and festive charm.