In CASH (2023), a gripping and engrossing drama, a factory worker's desperation pushes him to devise a daring plan to turn the tables on his thankless job and make a profit. Frustrated with his low income and mundane life, our protagonist cunningly hatches a scheme to traffic luxurious perfumes from his employer's factory without being caught.
With his meticulous planning and attention to detail, our factory worker carefully executes his operation, navigating the thin line between risk and reward. As the story unfolds, viewers will be captivated by the escalating tension and the protagonist's bold attempts to outsmart his employer and enrich himself.
CASH delves deep into the complexities of human nature, exploring the lengths people are willing to go to create a better life for themselves. It highlights the stark disparities in society and the allure of wealth and success.
Rife with suspense and unexpected twists, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. With compelling performances and a thought-provoking narrative, CASH offers an immersive cinematic experience that delves into the darker corners of the human psyche.
Prepare to be enthralled as you witness a factory worker's audacious gamble to rewrite his destiny in CASH.
Also Known As:
Gold BrickRelease Date:
06 Jul 2023Writers:
Jérémie Rozan