Caddy Hack is a thrilling and hilarious comedy set in a struggling golf course. The tranquil oasis soon becomes a terrifying murder scene as mutated gophers, heightened by pesticide exposure, embark on a killing spree, targeting the unsuspecting caddies. As the body count rises, the scheming owner of the golf course attempts to conceal the chaos, fearing the backlash it could have on his business.
Meanwhile, an unhinged groundskeeper takes matters into his own hands and launches an all-out war against the bloodthirsty gophers. Armed with a wide array of unconventional weaponry, he becomes the last line of defense for the terrified caddies and the golf course itself.
With a blend of suspense and humor, Caddy Hack takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride of laughter, shocks, and unexpected twist. As the battle between man and menacing mutant creatures escalates, the fate of the golf course and its workers hangs in the balance.
Directed by a talented filmmaker and featuring a stellar cast, Caddy Hack promises a unique and entertaining experience for viewers. Prepare to be both terrified and amused as you witness this epic clash between humans and gophers gone wild.
Also Known As:
Caddy HackRelease Date:
10 Oct 2023Writers:
Anthony Catanese